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Preparation of Camphor Water


To prepare and submit 100 ml of Camphor Water I.P. 1966.


Camphor water is a aromatic water. Camphor [C10H16O], is a ketone or a keto-tetrahydro-cymene, obtained from the camphor tree, Cinnamomum camphora. It is colourless or white crystals, granules or crystalline masses. Camphor is highly volatile in nature at room temperature and readily burns with a bright smoky flame.

The solubility of camphor is only 1:700 in water but it is freely soluble in alcohol i.e, 1 part of alcohol. In camphor water, the strength of camphor is 1 : 1000 that is near to saturation. Since camphor is very soluble in alcohol, so water is prepared by dissolving the camphor in alcohol and then this solution is added in small quantities to water with vigorous shaking after each addition. The addition of alcoholic solution to water yields a finely divided precipitates of camphor which redissolves easily on shaking. The alcohol act as a distributive agent.

Water should not be added to the alcoholic solution of camphor because in that case whole of the camphor will be precipitated out which will not redissolve easily on shaking.

Camphor is volatile in nature so camphor water should be stored in a well closed container to prevent the volatilization of camphor.


Camphor – 1 gm

Alcohol (90%) – 2 ml

Purified water – 1000 ml

Quantities of ingredients calculated by using following formula, 

Quantity  = Quantity given in standard formula / Total quantity in standard formula × Required               Quantity

1. Camphor = 1/ 1000  × 100 = 0.1 g


1. Dissolve the camphor in alchol (90%).

2. Add the solution in successive portions to the purified water.

3. Shake well after each addition.

4. Afterwards shake occasionally until all the camphor is dissolved.


Store in a well closed container.


It is used as a Pharmaceutical aid and Carminative.


15 to 30 ml


Camphor water is used as a vehicle for liquid preparation due to its flavouring properties.

Camphor water is also used as a carminative.

Camphor water is mildly excites the circulation, dilating the superficial vessels and slightly increasing the cardiac output. Camphor water directly excites cerebrum. Camphor water is also used for its calming influence in hysteria, nervousness, neuralgia and for serious diarrhea.

Camphor water is relives griping pain.

When applied externally, camphor dilates the vessels of the skin, and is used as a rubefacient and mild counter-irritant in rheumatisms, sprains bronchitis and in inflammatory conditions. Campor has a great value in colds, chills, and in all inflammatory conditions.

Camphor water

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