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Determination of density of given liquid sample

Determination of density of given liquid sample by using specific gravity bottle


 To determine the density of the given liquid sample.


·        Specific gravity bottle

·        Liquid sample

·        Water

·        Weighing balance


Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of the substance to the density of the water. The density of both the substances should be recorded at same temperature unless specified. It is defined as the ratio of mass of substance to the ratio of mass of an equal volume of water  at same specified temperature.

Specific  gravity of substance = Mass of substance / Mass of water 

Specific gravity is the ratio of weight of liquid to the weight of water. Density is expressed in g/ml.


1.Weight the dried and cooled empty specific gravity bottle.

2.The bottle was completely filled with distilled water (reference) and weighed.

3.After remove the distilled water from specific gravity bottle.

4. Clean, dry the specific gravity bottle.

5.The bottle was filled with given liquid  sample and weight.

Calculate the density of given liquid by using following formula,

Density of liquid sample = Mass of liquid sample / Mass of water ×Density of water

Note : Density of water is 0.9998 g/ml

Specific gravity bottle filled with liquid


Room temperature = ---------- °C

Weight of empty specific gravity bottle                     (W1) = ------------------- g

Weight of  specific gravity bottle and water              (W2) = -------------------g

Weight of specific gravity bottle and liquid sample  (W3) =-------------------g

Mass/ weight  of Water               = W2 – W1


                                               =------------------------- g

Mass/ weight of liquid sample = W3 – W1

                                               = -------------------------

                                               = ------------------------- g


Density of liquid sample          = Mass of liquid sample / Mass of water ×Density of water


                                             = --------------------------

                                             = -------------------------- g/ml



The density of the given liquid sample was found to be ----------------------- g/ml.

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