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Determination of surface tension of given liquid by drop count method ( drop number method)

Determination of surface tension of given liquid by drop count method 


To determine the surface tension of a given liquid by drop count method.


  • Stalagmometer
  • 100ml beaker
  • Burette stand
  • Distilled water.


The surface tension is defined as force in dynes acting along the surface of the liquid at right angle to any line in 1 cm length. In CGS system the unit is dynes/cm (dynes cm-1). In SI system the unit is newton/ meter (Nm-1).

The surface tension of a liquid can be determine by using stalagmometer by drop count method. The surface tension of a liquid sample is calculated by following formula.

γ2= n1ρ2/n2ρ1   × γ1


γ2 = Surface tension  of a given liquid sample  in dynes/cm

γ1 = Surface tension  of a given liquid water is 72.75 dynes/cm

n2 = Number of drops of liquid sample

n1 = Number of drops of water

ρ2 = Density if liquid sample in g/ml

ρ1 = Density of water ( 0.9998 g/ml)


The surface tension is determined by using stalagmometer. The density of water and density of liquid sample can be determined by using specific gravity bottle.


1. Take a clean stalagmometer and rinse with acetone then dry it in a hot air oven.

2. Fix the stalagmometer to the stand firmly in a hot vertical position and tipped the stalagmometer in a beaker of water and suck water to flow down and stop the counting of drops after the water meniscus passes from upper mark to lower mark.

3. If the number  of drops in between the 15 – 20 drops per minute, go to repeat in the stop mentioned above when the water pass the lower mark, stop the counting and note the number of drops of water.

4. Remove the water drops, clean the stalagmometer then repeat the procedure for counting the drops of sample by following the above mentioned procedure surface tension of the given sample was found to be

γ2= n1ρ2/n2ρ1   × γ1


Note : Density of water is 0.9998 g/ml

            Surface tension of water is 72.75 dynes/cm


 i ) Determination of Density of given liquid sample

Room temperature = ---------- °C

Weight of empty specific gravity bottle                     (W1)   = -------------------g

Weight of  specific gravity bottle and water              (W2)   = -------------------g

Weight of specific gravity bottle and liquid sample  (W3)   = -------------------g

Mass/ weight  of Water              = W2 – W1

                                                   = -------------------------

                                                   = ------------------------- g

Mass/ weight of liquid sample  = W3 – W1

                                                  = -------------------------

                                                  = ------------------------- g


Density of liquid sample = Mass of liquid sample / Mass of water ×Density of water

                                             = ---------------------------

                                             = --------------------------

                                             = -------------------------- g/ml


ii ) Determination of Surface tension of given liquid sample


Number of drops of water(n1)

Number of drops of sample (n2)














Surface tension  of a given liquid sample (γ2)   = --------------------- ?

 Surface tension  of a given liquid water  (γ1)   = 72.75 dynes/cm

Number of drops of liquid sample  (n2)            = ----------------------- drops

Number of drops of water  (n1)                         = ------------------------ drops

Density if liquid sample (ρ2)                             = ------------------------ g/ml

Density of water (ρ1)                                        = ------------------------- g/ml


Surface tension  of a given liquid sample  γ2= n1ρ2/n2ρ1   × γ1

                                                                   = -------------------------------

                                                                   = -------------------------------

                                                                   = ------------------------------- dynes / cm



The surface tension of the given liquid sample by drop count method was found to be  ----------------------- dynes/cm.

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