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Properties of Polymers

Properties of Polymers

Polymers having different properties depends on it chemical structure. Polymer have diiferent properties is disscused on  following below are,


Water soluble polymers interact with the water to provide sufficient energy to remove individual polymer chains from the solid state, thus increase the viscosity of solvents at low concentrations, swell or change shape in solution, and adsorb at surfaces. On the other hand partially soluble polymers are used to form thin films, as film coating materials, surgical dressings membranes for dialysis or filtration, or matrices for enveloping drugs to control their release properties, or simply as packaging materials. The rate of dissolution of a water-soluble polymer depends on its molecular weight. The larger the molecule, the stronger are the forces holding the chains together: more energy has to be expended to force the chains apart in the solvent. The greater the degree of crystallinity of the polymer, the lower is the rate of dissolution. The velocity of penetration, S , of a solvent into the bulk polymer obeys the relationship: S = kM-A, where M is the polymer molecular weight. k and A are constants. The dissolution process is more complicated than with ordinary crystalline materials. It is frequently observed that swollen layers and gel layers form next to the polymer. If a drug is embedded in the polymer, the drug has to diffuse through these gel layers and finally through the diffusion layer. It is the combination of slow solution rate and the formation of viscous surface layers that makes hydrophilic polymers useful in controlling the release rate of soluble drugs which are perhaps irritant to the stomach. [1]


Partial alignment of molecular chains is associated with the   process of crystallization of polymers. Lamellae are those which  are having chain fold together and form ordered regions, which  compose spherulities. Dyeing of polymers get affected by  crystallinity. Amorphous form is much more prone to dyeing as  compared to crystalline form because the dye molecular  penetrate much easier through amorphous regions. These are  being classified as-

Crystalline Polymers

 Light scattering between crystalline  and amorphous regions usually causes polymer to be opaque and  called as crystalline polymers. Either for law (amorphous  polymer) or high (crystalline) degree of crystallinity the  transparency is higher as because density of such boundaries is  lower. For example, atactic polypropylene is usually  amorphous and transparent while syndiotactic polypropylene, which has crystallinity ~50%, is opaque. 

Semi crystalline Polymers 

Highly ordered molecular structures with sharp melting point  are possessed by semi crystalline materials. Semi crystalline material rapidly change to low viscosity fluid when given  quantity of heat gets absorbed and they remain in solid form.  Softens does not vary with temperature increases. Direction flow us transverse to flow causes less shrinking and thus material is  anisotropic in flow. Chemical resistance is excellent. Beyond  their glass transition temperature. Semi crystalline exhibit substantial improvement in HDT’s which reinforced and retain useful levels of strength and stiffness.  

Amorphous Polymers

During x-ray or electron scattering  experiments polymer do not exhibit any crystalline structure and  those polymers were called as amorphous polymers. E.g. - using  straining-induced contrast enhancement in TEM. Formation of  localised deformation zones, such as crazes, deformation bands,  or shear bands, which are characterised by representative  HVTEM micrographs, shows micromechanical behavior of amorphous polymer.


The presence in solution of large macromolecular solutes may have an appreciable effect.Viscosity increases , the sustained drug release is prolonged.

Polymer complexes

Polymers provide ample opportunity for the formation of complexes in solution ,e.g ,when an aqueous  solution of high molecular weight polyacid is mixed with polyglycol. The viscosity and pH of  the solution of the equimolar mixture of polyacid and glycol remains the same with increase increase in oligomer chain length  up to a critical point. This occurs only when the poly(ethylene glycol) moleculeas are reached a certain size. Such macromolecular reaction are highly selective and strongly dependent and molecular size, conformation heat etc. Biological macromolecule undergo complex reactions, which are often vital to their activity. The studies have estabilished a specific interacteraction between hyaluronic acid and the proteoglycans the intracellular matrix in cartilage. Calcium (Ca2+) is coordinated between certain uronic acid- containing polysaccharides, which can explain the tight binding of calcium and other multivalent ions in polysaccharide structures, and also how bivalent ions can induce gel formation in acidic polysaccharide such as alginic acid solutions. It has been found such interaction have dietary significance.[1]


The separation of liquid from a swollen gel is known as syneresis. This is a form of instability in aqueous and non-aqueous gels. Separation of a solvent phase is thought to occur due to the elastic contraction of the polymeric molecules. In the swelling process during gel formation the macromolecules involved become stretched and the elastic forces increase as swelling proceeds. At equilibrium the restoring force of the macromolecules is balanced by the swelling forces, determined by the osmotic pressure.[1]

Adsorption of macromolecules

The ability of some macromolecules to absorb at interfaces is being exploited in suspension and emulsion stabilization. Gelatin, acacia and proteins absorb at interface. Sometimes such adsorption is unwanted, e.g. insulin adsorption on to glass infusion bottles. Addition of albumin to prevent adsorption is now common practice. The albumin adsorbs at the glass or plastic surface and presents a more polar surface to the solution, thus reducing, but not always preventing, adsorption of the protein (e.g. insulin). The binding is considered to be a non-specific phenomenon, which may occur on other inert materials, such as polythene and glass. The adsorption of macromolecules at interfaces may be the reason why molecules such as those of hyaluronic acid can act as biological lubricants in joint fluids. [1]

Bioadhesivity of water- soluble polymers

Adhesion between a biological surface and a biological surface and a surface of a hydrophilic polymers or a surface to which a hydrophilic polymer has been grafted or adsorbed, arises from interactions between the polymer chains and the macromolecules on the mucosal surface.To achieve maximum adhesion there should be maximum interaction between the polymer chains of the bioadhesive and the mucus. The charge on the molecules will be important and for two anionic polymers maximum interaction will occur when they are not charged. Penetration and association pH must be balanced. The adhesive performance of polymers can be excellent (e.g. carboxymethylcellulose), good (Carbopal), fair (gelatin) or poor (povidone). Anionic poly(acrylic acid) (carbophil) derivatives and the cationic cationic chitosans have been approved by the FDA. Polycarbophil and carbomer (carbopol 934P) have pKa values of about 4.5 and display maximum mucoadheivity at pH where they are undissociated. [1]

Polymer dissolution

Polymer dissolution in solvents is an important are of interest in polymer science and engineering because of its many applications in industry such as microlithography, membrane science, plastics recycling and the drug delivery. Unlike non-polymeric materials, polymers do not dissolve instantaneously, and the dissolution  is controlled by either the disentanglement of the polymer chains or by the diffusion of the chains through a boundary layer adjacent to the polymer-solvent interface.[1]


1.      N.K. Jain, Pharmaceutical product development, 1st ed: 2006;Reprint: 2008,  CBS publishers & distributers, Pg .No 585 – 618.

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