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Polymers - Definition, introduction and classification in pharmaceuticals

 Polymers in Pharmaceuticals

Polymer is the heart in pharmaceutical formulations. We discuss about definition, introduction and classification polymers.


“Polymer” word is derived from Greek roots “Poly” meaning many and “Meros” meaning parts. Polymers have very large molecular weights made up of repeating units (or monomers) throughout their chains. Polymers are considered to be a subset of macromolecules. A monomer is a small molecule which combines with other molecules of the same or different types to form a polymer. If two, three, four, or five monomers are attached to each other, the product is known as a dimer, trimer, tetramer, or pentamer, respectively. An oligomer contains from 30 to 100 monomeric units. Products containing more than 200 monomers are simply called as polymer.

From the structural prospective, monomers are generally classified as functional (containing reactive functional groups) and olefinic (containing double bond). Polymers can have different chemical structures, physical properties, mechanical behavior, thermal characteristics. [1]

The pharmaceutical applications of polymers range from their use as binders, disintegrant in tablets, thickner, suspending , emulsifying agents in liquids formulations such as suspensions and emulsions. Polymers can be used as film/ enteric coatings to mask the unpleasant taste of a drug, to enhance drug stability and to modify drug release characteristics. Pharmaceutical polymers are widely used to achieve taste masking; controlled release (e.g. extended, pulsatile and targeted) enhanced stability and improved bioavailability. Monolithic delivery devices are systems in which a drug is dispersed within a polymer matrix and released by diffusion. The rate of the drug release from a matrix product depends on the initial drug concentration and relaxation of the polymer chains which overall displays a sustained release characterristic. [2]

Classification of Polymers :

Polymers can have different chemical structures, physical properties, mechanical behavior, thermal characteristics and can be classified in different ways by following below are,

1.Based on the origin [1]

i) Natural Polymers

Protein-based : Albumin, Collagen, gelatin etc.

Polysaccharides : Agarose, alginate, carrageenan, chitosan, cyclodextrins, dextran, hyaluronic acid, polysialic acid etc.

ii) Synthetic Polymers


Polyesters   : Poly(lactic acid) (PLA), poly (glycolic acid) (PGA), poly (hydroxyl butyrate) (PHB),poly (Ɛ-caprolactone) (PCL), poly(β-malic acid) (PMA), poly(dioxanones) (PDA) etc.

Polyanhydrides : Poly(sebacic acid) (PSBA), poly(adipic acid) (PAPA), poly(terphthalic acid) (PTA) and various copolymers etc.

Polyamides : Poly(imino carbonates) (PIC),polyamino acids (PAA) etc.

Phosphorus-based : Polyphosphates, polyphosphonates, polyphosphazens etc.

Others : Poly(cyano acrylates) (PCA), polyurethanes, polyortho esters, polydihydropyrans,polyacetals etc.


Cellulose derivatives : Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) ,ethylcellulose (EC), cellulose acetate (CA), cellulose acetate propionate (CAP), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) etc.

Silicones : Polydimethylsiloxane (PDS), Colloidal silica etc.

Acrylic polymers : Polymethacrylates (PMA), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), poly hydro(ethyl methacrylate) (PHEM) etc.

Others : Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA), poloxamers, poloxamines etc.

iii) Semi-synthetic Polymer: Hydrogenated natural rubber,Cellulose nitrate,methyl cellulose etc are chemically modified polymers.

2.Based on Backbone [1]

Polymers with carbon chain backbone : Polyethylene, polypropylene,polystyrene, poly(vinyl chloride),polytetrafluoroethylene, polyacrylonitrile, poly(vinyl alchol), poly(vinyl acetate), polyacrylamide,poly(methyl methacrylate), polyvinylpyrrolidone,etc.

Polymers with hetero chain backbone   : Poly(ethylene oxide), poly(propylene oxide),cellulose (poly –glucoside,β →1,4), amylase (poly-glucoside, alpha → 1,4) (component of starch), pectinic acid (polygalacturonoside), polyethylene glycol terphthalate, polydimethylsiloxane etc.

3.Based on  the presence of carbon (organic and inorganic) [4]

Organic Polymers: Polymer whose backbone chain is essentially made of carbon atoms is termed an organic polymer. The atoms attached to the side valencies of the backbone carbon atoms are, however, usually those of hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), etc. The majority of synthetic polymers is organic and they are extensively studied.

Inorganic Polymers: The molecules of inorganic polymers, on the other hand, generally contain no carbon atom in their chain backbone.  E.g: Glass and silicone rubber

4.Based on the types of monomer [3]

On this basis, polymers can be classified into two classes.

Homoplymer : A polymer containing a single type of repeat units is called a homopolymer,e.g., polystyrene.

Copolymer     :  If a polymer is made up of two different monomers then it is called copolymer, e.g., styrene butadiene (SBS) rubber and Sty-co-An.

5.Based on the Polymerization process [5]

Carothers in 1929 classified polymers into two types on the basis of mechanism of polymerization reaction:

(i)                 Addition polymers

(ii)               Condensation polymers

Addition polymers: Addition polymerization reaction is responsible for formation of polymer. Double and triple bonds are possessed by these monomer molecules. E.g: polythene, polypropene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, etc.

Condensation polymers: Condensation polymerization reaction is responsible for the formation of polymers. Elimination of small molecule such as water, alchol, hydrogen chloride etc takes place by this polymerization reaction. It possesses bi functional or poly functional monomers. The reaction can take place between two similar or different monomers.Nylon-6, 6 Nylon-6, Terylene, glyptal etc are the examples of condensation polymers.

But there were some polymers that didn’t fit into either of the strict categories proposed above. Therefore, these terms were modified by H.F. Mark on the basis of kinetics of polymerization (1950) as

(i)                 Chain polymerization

(ii)               Step polymerization

Chain growth polymer: Chain polymers are the products of self addition reaction of monomer molecules through a chain reaction. No by-product is formed in this reaction, the molecular weight of the polymer is the exact multiple of the molecular weight of monomer, e.g., all the vinyl monomers.

Step growth polymers: A step growth polymers is the product of a reaction that involves a random reaction of two molecules that may be any combination of a monomer, oligomer or a long chain molecule. It proceeds by step-wise fashion. Some of the examples of step growth polymers are nylons, polyurethanes

6.Based on the Line structure

The monomer units in a polymer may be present in linear, branched or crosslinked fashion.

Linear Polymer: A straight chain species i.e., the units are connected to each other in a chain arrangements. Linear polymers may be represented by a chain with two ends, e.g., high density polyethylene. [5]

Branched Polymer: The main chains of polymer molecules have small branches of the same or different molecules. Branched polymers have side chains, or branches of significant length which are bonded to the main chain at branched points, and are characterized in terms of the number and size of the branches. Polymers with well controlled modes of branching, e.g., comblike polymers, star polymers, dendrimers, low density polyethylene, graft copolymers etc. [5]

Cross-linked Polymer: Those polymers in which two linear chains are joined together by covalent bonds i.e, the chains are crosslinked. E.g., Bakelite. Vulcanized rubber Novolac, melamine-formaldehyde. [5,6]

7. Based on thermal characteristics / thermo response [5,7]

Polymers can be classified into two categories on the basis of their behavior towards temperature:

Thermoplastic polymers: They are those polymers which can be softened on heating and hardened on cooling, e.g., linear polymers. Since no chemical change occurs in the structure of the polymer molecule as a result of heating, therefore these polymers can be recycled many times. Examples of such polymers are Polyolefins, nylons, linear polyesters and polyether’s, PVC, sealing wax etc.

Thermosetting polymers: Conversion of polymers into an infusible mass is because of chemical changes. Production of giant molecules and cross-linking of polymer chain molecules and the curing or setting process involves chemical reaction leading to further growth.They cannot be softened once get solidified either by heating or by curing agents.Thermosetting polymers cannotbe recycled as a chemical change occurs in thermoset polymers as a result of heating. For example, crosslinked epoxy resins, polydicyclopentadiene, polycarbonates, polyisoprene, etc.

8. Based on interaction with water [8]

Non‐biodegradable hydrophobic Polymers:  E.g. Polyvinyl chloride

Soluble Polymers:  CP, HEC, HPC, HPMC, PEG, PAA, sodium CMC, sodium alginate

Insoluble polymers: Chitosan (soluble in dilute acids), ethyl cellulose, PC

Hydro gels: Polyvinyl pyrrolidone  

9. Based on stimuli response

Stimuli are commonly classified in three categories: physical, chemical, or biological [9, 10] . Physical stimuli (like light, temperature, ultrasound, magnetic, mechanical, electrical) usually modify chain dynamics, i.e. the energy level of the polymer/solvent system, while chemical stimuli (like solvent, ionic strength, electrochemical, pH) modulate molecular interactions, whether between polymer and solvent molecules, or between polymer chains [11]. Biological stimuli (like enzymes, receptors) relate to the actual functioning of molecules: enzymatic reactions, receptor recognition of molecules [12].

Photoresponsive polymers: PAA [13, 14], PHPMAm [15, 16], and PNIPAM [17, 18].

pH responsive polymers: Chitosan [19], albumin [20], gelatin [21], poly(acrylic acid) (PAAc)/chitosan IPN [22] , poly(methacrylic acid-g-ethylene glycol) [P(MAA-g-EG)] [23, 24], poly(ethylene imine) (PEI) [25], poly(N,N-diakylamino ethylmethacrylates) (PDAAEMA), and poly(lysine) (PL) [26, 27].

Inflammation responsive polymers: Hyaluronic acid. [3]

Temperature responsive polymers: : Poly(N-alkyl substituted acrylamides): e.g. poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNiPAAm) [35, 36], Poly (N-vinylalkylamides):  e.g. poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) (PNVC) [37], and copolymers such as poly (L-lactic acid)-poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA-PEG-PLLA) triblock copolymers [38], and poly (ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO–PPO–PEO) copolymers. [39]

Electro-Responsive Polymers:  Polythiophene (PT) or sulphonated-polystyrene (PSS). [24,25]

Redox-Responsive Polymers: Acid labile moieties inside polyanhydrides [28, 29], poly(lactic/glycolic acid) (PLGA) [30], and poly(b-amino esters) (PbAEs) [31] induce redox responsiveness.

Enzyme-Responsive Polymers:  Pectin, chitosan, amylase/amylopectin, cyclodextrin and dextrin. [32,33,34]

10. Based on Morphology [6]

Crystalline Polymers: e.g, syndiotactic polypropylene.

Amorphous polymers: e.g., atactic polypropylene.

11. Based on tacticity [5]

With respect to main chain (back bone) of the polymer, the polymer posses geometric arrangement of characteristic group of monomer units which is called as tacticity. It classified into three groups as following:

Isotactic polymers :A polymer in which substitents group is located on one side of plane of carbon-carbon chain, i.e., every chiral carbon has the same co figuration, is called isotactic.. E.g: Isotactic polypropene.

Syndiotactic polymers: A polymer, in which substituents group is attached alternatively above and below the plane of carbon-carbon chain, is called syndiotactic. E.g., syndiotactic polypropylene

Atactic polymers: A polymer, in which there is no systematic configuration is called atactic polymers, e.g., atactic polypropylene. It has proper strength and more elasticity.

12. Based on Charge [8]

Cationic:  Aminodextran, chitosan, (DEAE)- dextran, TMC

Anionic: Chitosan-EDTA, CP, CMC, pectin, PAA, PC, sodium alginate, sodium CMC, xanthan gum

Non-ionic: Hydroxy ethyl starch, HPC, poly (ethylene oxide), PVA

13. Based on Potential [8]

Covalent : PVP, scleroglucan

Hydrogen bond : Cyanoacrylate

14. Based on bioadhesive forces [8]

Electrostatic interaction:  Acrylate (hydroxylated methacrylate), poly (methacrylic acid), CP, PC, PVA, chitosan.

15. Based on mucoadhesive property

Excellent mucoadhesion: Carbopol 934, CMC, polycarbophil, trgacanth, sodium alginate, HEC, HPMC.

Fair mucoadhesion: Gum karaya, guar gum.

Poor mucoadhesion: PVP, PG, HPC.

16. Based on Physical properties [7]

Elastomers: e.g., Natural rubbers, synthetic rubber.

Plastic       : e.g., polyethylene, polystyrene.

Fibres       : e.g., saran, vinyon, orlan.

17. Based on Geometrical isomerism [5]

Polymer having double bonds in their back bones shows cis and trans isomerism.

Cis isomeric polymers: cis-1,3-butadiene

Trans isomeric polymers: trans -1,3-butadiene.

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