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You know What is Difference between Base and Alkali ? With Comparision Table

What are the Difference between Base and Alkali ?

You know what is Base and alkali ? You think Base and alkali  are same? If you want to know what is base and alkali and difference between acid and alkali ?

 First you Know what is Base and Alkali. ( Click and read )


A chemical substance used to neutralize acid is called a base.Some bases which forms a neutral product with acids are metal hydroxides and metal oxides.
Examples of base :Metal hydroxide - zinc hydroxide 
                              Metal oxide - copper oxide.

Base reacts with the acid, neutralise it and produce salt molecules and water on reacting with acids.The base is bitter in taste and is slippery when touch.

Bases do not dissolve in water.


Alkali is a base which dissolves in water.All alkalis are base.The pH of the mixture increased when alkali added to acid.

When on adding acid to alkali the pH decreases due to the removal of alkali.

Examples of alkali are Sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide

You want to know more in briefly, click the below link and read

1.What are Bases? Definition,Classification,Properties and Uses of Bases - a brief explaination with chemical reactions

2. What are Alkali? Definition,Classification, Properties and Uses of Alkali - a

 brief explaination withchemical reactions with mechanism 

Comparison of difference between Base and Alkali

If you want to understand what difference between Base and Alkali, read the following below table compare the difference between base and alkali in briefly







Any compound that consists of a hydroxide class that can be free. Or compounds that accept protons or lone electron pairs.

It consists of carbonates and hydroxides of alkali metals.


A base is a compound which consists of hydroxide ions or lone electron pairs. The electron pairs can be transferred to another chemical species

The term alkali is used to refer to metals found in group 1 of the periodic table.



All are not an alkali


All are base




Ionic Compound Formation

Bases can either form covalent or ionic compounds

Alkali forms ionic compounds through forming cations from alkali metals

Chemical category

Their chemical category is any compound either ionic or covalent

Belongs to group 1 metals or their ionic compounds


The strength of the base depends on the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH- ).

The strength of alkali can be weak or strong depending on the nature and concentration of the ionic salt composing it


Not dissolves in Water

Dissolves in Water


Reaction with Acid

It neutralizes the acid.

It release hydroxyl ions (OH- ) and accepts proton



Frequently Asking Questions

1. Are alkali and base the same or not?

Answer: Typically they are metal oxides, metal hydroxides, metal carbonates and carbonates of molten hydrogen. There are many bases which are insoluble-they are not dissolving in water. If a base dissolves in water, so we term as an alkali. Alkaline and/or intermediate solution is the same as base and/or simple solution.

2. Why bases are called alkali?

Answer: Alkali metals form alkali (base) in contact with water, and they form metal oxides when reacts with water. Alkali metal oxides are also bases and when dissolved in water, it form an alkaline solution. During reaction with water, Group 2 metals also form bases and their oxides, they are basic and found in the earth’s crust.

3. Which bases are called alkali?

Answer: The bases that are water soluble are called alkalis. They are feeling soapy, sour and corrosive.. For example, NaOH, KOH, etc.

4. What is alkali used for?

Answer: Uses of traditional Alkalis, sodium hydroxide are used to make paper, soap, and detergents and it is also called as Caustic soda, used for manufacture soap.

Potassium hydroxide is used in agriculture to neutralize acid soil and make more alkaline so that plants grow stronger in it, and is also used in alkaline, Ni-Cd, and Ni-MH batteries as the electrolyte.And also potassium hydroxide used for making soft soap.

5. What is a free alkali?

Answer: The word, free caustic al-kali, is usually defined as free sodium hydroxide (NaOH); while total free alkali includes free caustic al-kali and additional alkaline sub-stances other than soap, mainly sodium carbonate (NaCO3) and silicate.

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